Asteroid Goddesses 101: An introduction to the feminine celestial energies
Asteroid Goddesses is the term generally used for the new feminine energies coming into our consciousness via our newly expanded knowledge of our solar systems' orbiting bodies. While some of these celestial entities are officially classed as asteroids, some, like Chiron's water nymph wife, Chariklo, are centaurs. In contrast, others, like Eris and Sedna, are dwarf planets. However, astronomy classifications are somewhat volatile of late, with Pluto's recent demotion to a dwarf planet and Ceres's promotion to the same cases in point. I find it's best not to get too caught up in classifications - for astrological purposes, it is the archetypal energies that matter.
At this point, I should clarify that there are also masculine and androgynous gods among the pantheon of the new celestial bodies. However, the emerging feminine energies have enchanted me with the desire to know them more intimately and myself more deeply in the process, and they will be our focus here.
When looking at the discovery charts of these heavenly beings, we find an uncanny alignment with the associated mythology of the entities they have been named after, something I will be writing more about in this series of posts.
The asteroid goddesses represent not only powerful archetypal and psychological aspects of ourselves but are a doorway to the great mother, the divine feminine, manifest within every one of us, whatever gender we inhabit in this lifetime.
I first became aware of and started working with the asteroid goddesses in 2015 when I encountered Demetra George & Douglas Bloch's classic "Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine." I recommend this book as a starting point for anyone who wishes to bring more of the divine feminine into their astrology.
In 2016, I started working with Human Design coach Kim Gould, who has incorporated dozens of these new feminine energies into her human design practice. Working with these energies during our 12+ months of coaching was an experience of deep psychological healing and growth. What I love about Kim's work is how it points to these celestial bodies representing emergent, quantum, wild and deeply feminine energies never before available to us on a conscious level. Their energies represent a whole new level of consciousness opening to us. And that's exciting!
Astrologically, our solar system now has seven main regions. First come the smaller inner planets like the Earth and the personal planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Next is the asteroid belt that includes Juno, Vesta and Pallas, and the first of the new dwarf planets, Ceres. These bodies speak of the more feminine energies of partnership, personal integrity, creativity, and nurturing and were first discovered in the early 1800's. Kim Gould describes these four asteroid goddesses as aspects of the feminine denied a place within traditional expressions of Western culture. They each hold an aspect of recovering something we need to heal humanity. These four great goddess asteroids have ushered in each wave of cultural transformation over the last 200 years. We should never underestimate their power in our own lives or the collective.
Since the discovery and naming of these four asteroids, many more have been discovered and named, with over 1,000 available within some astrology data programs.
Moving beyond the asteroid belt, we have the four planetary giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Between Saturn and Pluto are several boundary-crossing bodies called centaurs, which intercede between the increasingly impersonal energies of the larger outer planets as they enter our personal lives. The most well-known of these is Chiron, the wounded healer, while my favourite is Chariklo, who is not strictly speaking a centaur in mythological terms. Then we have the Kuiper Belt, which includes Eris, the 10th largest planet in our solar system, and Haumea, a Hawaiian creator goddess with a beautiful regenerative energy.
And finally, beyond the Kuiper Belt, far out in the seventh region of our solar system, is the Oort Cloud, where Sedna resides. The Oort Cloud is an extended shelf of icy objects in the outermost reaches of our known Solar System. It contains the first of what scientists believe will be a new class of planets called Sednoids, all with massive orbits like Sedna - her orbit around the Sun is a gigantic 11,000+ years!
Coming up
In the next part of this series, we will discuss how to work with the energies of the asteroid goddesses using their archetypes, energy work and chart interpretation.
Meanwhile, if you would like to discover which of the asteroid goddesses impacts your chart most powerfully and how, I offer personal recorded consultations and reports via my store, where you will also find my artwork and gifts.
Finding Asteroid Goddesses in Your Chart
If you have access to an astrology program, it will likely include at least a few dwarf planets and asteroids. If you don't have your own program, you can get a free chart from Once you have created an account, go to the 'Extended Chart Selection' under 'Free Horoscopes'. At the bottom of the page, you can select various more commonly known celestial bodies or enter the number provided under the alphabetical listing named 'Additional Asteroids'.
Look for asteroids with significant aspects with an orb of about 1 degree or less to personal planets, Ascendent, Midheaven, IC and DC in your natal chart to begin your exploration without being overwhelmed! Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno, Vesta, Hekate, Sedna, Haumea and Eris are all asteroid goddesses; you should find plenty of information online to start your journey.
If you are into Human Design, you'll find Kim Gould's approach refreshing, emergent and powerful.
Asteroid Goddess Resouces
George, Demetra & Bloch, Douglas. Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine. Ibis Press.
Clay, Alan. Sedna Consciousness: The Soul's Path of Destiny. Artmedia. Kindle Edition.
Gould, Kim. Asteroids in Human Design: Awakening the Feminine Archetype. Human Design Press. Kindle Edition. for interviews, blogs and recordings. – for a comprehensive list of asteroids and meanings. – for practitioner information, an asteroid ephemeris, books and courses. – for Kim Gould's work, courses and community
(human design based). – for Alan Clay's work and courses on Kuiper Belt objects. – for science, astronomy and all things spacey!